Thursday, November 9, 2017

Top 10 Experiences of my Trip with New Video!

After being back for a few days, the most common question people have asked me is, "Gosh Enzo, are you really that basic?"  Though for this post, we'll focus on the 2nd most common question, "What was your favorite thing you did on your trip?"  So, in typical Enzo fashion, here's an answer that's quite a bit longer than you care to hear!  I'm also going to cheat and add 4 honorable mentions.  Why? Because it's my blog and I'll do what I want.  I'm also adding some never before seen video footage!  But first, in no particular order, the honorable mentions are:

The views of Sydney Harbor:

The sunset in Rio:

Steak and wine in Buenos Aires:

Bonus footage from Buenos Aires:

The Wellington cable car (so close to making the top 10!):

Without further ado, here's the top 10:

10. Meeting Chirpy in Kuranda, Australia:

TBT to Chirpy <3:

9. The view from Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa:

8. The magnitude of Iguazu Falls in Brazil and Argentina:

Iguazu Video!

7. Snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns, Australia:

6. The scenery of Southern New Zealand (Queenstown pictured below):

Bonus footage of Milford Sound, New Zealand:

5. Seeing a roaring lion up close near Kruger National Park, South Africa:

4. International first class flying (Singapore Suites double bed in the sky):

3. Driving the Great Ocean Road in Southern Australia (Bells Beach):

2. Helicopter landing on Fox Glacier, New Zealand:

1. The thrill of bungee jumping off a bridge in Queenstown, New Zealand:

TBT to me screaming like a lunatic:

Someone also asked me what I'd do differently or what my least favorite experience was.  So I thought I'd add some of those.  I wouldn't say these were completely negative experiences, but I wouldn't give them 5 TripAdvisor stars and would encourage others to think twice before committing significant time or money to any of these 5 places/experiences:

1. The town of Port Fairy, Australia
- It was farther from the Great Ocean Road that I'd thought and it was a pretty sleepy town.

2. The TranzAlipine in New Zealand
- The scenery was just ok for the price of the trip.

3. Darling Harbor in Sydney, Australia
- A pretty touristy place.

4. Miracle City at the Sydney Opera House in Australia
- The show was pretty hokey and not that great for what it cost.

5. The train ride to Boulders Beach in Capetown, South Africa
- It took forever and wasn't all that scenic or comfortable.  Boulders Beach itself though was worth it, I'd just take an Uber.

Well,  I think that's a wrap!  For those who followed along, I hope it was entertaining!  As I noted in my prior relfections post, I really enjoyed writing it.  Until next time, this is Enroute with Enzo signing off.  Flight attendants set doors to arrival, crosscheck and all call.  Ladies and gentleman, please use caution when opening the overhead bins as items may have shifted in flight!  Thanks again for flying with us and we hope you have a pleasant stay here in Washington or wherever your travels may take you.

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