Friday, October 6, 2017

Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve

For day three of my drive, the plan was to allow 4 hours to drive back to Melbourne from Port Fairy via the more direct inland route.  I had to catch a flight to Christchurch, New Zealand and of course leave time for the Air New Zealand lounge before the flight.  I wanted to make one stop more stop though, at the Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve.  It was a quick 20 minute drive from Port Fairy.  I wouldn't really call it an island, but its mostly surrounded by water.  The map makes it more clear:

I started my walk and right out off the bat I came upon 3 kangaroos!  I was not expecting them, but there they were!

They then proceeded to hop across the path right in front of me! Hop hop!

There were also apparently koala's at this reserve though I didn't spot any.  The scenery throughout the reserve though was just asking to be photographed.

On the way out I did spot an emu!  It was pretty neat to see the animals roaming around freely, sans cages or fences.  You could have walked right up to them and touched them if you wanted to.  I however, did not want to do that.  Because Chirpy.

The rest of the day was a pretty uneventful drive back to Melbourne.  Though there was lots of singing to Kesha and Robyn in the car, though sorry no photos or Snapchats folks, had to keep my eyes on the road! 

Next stop, Christchurch, New Zealand!

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