Friday, October 27, 2017

Sydney CBD and beyond

Beyond the beaches and the harbor I spent a good amount of my time in Sydney just wandering around the CBD and nearby neighborhoods.  One of my first stops was a spin studio; I was certainly past due!  Sadly I didn't photograph it, because really, who walks around a spin studio taking pictures?  It was similar to my favorite DC studio in that your "score" is up on the board at the front of the class and you can compete with the other riders.  At this studio they also projected a "race course" on two giant screens at the front of the class which is different for every class.  For this one, we were climbing Mt. Fuji.  Kinda neat, though really it was just a 2 lane road going up the mountain the entire time and didn't really add to much to the workout.  All the music was American which so far has been the norm just about everywhere I'd been.  It really is amazing how American music seems to dominate in so many countries throughout the world.

After spin class I stumbled upon Queen Victoria Market.  The "market" was a shopping mall with cafes and other stores in an old building.  I may or may not have had a donut that pretty much cancelled out my 45 minute workout.  Oh well!

After the market I came upon the city hall and St. Andrew's Cathedral.

I wanted to keep wandering but figured I should probably shower before entering any buildings, but snapped a few more photos of the CBD along the way.

On another morning  I spent some time checking out Market City, which is a market that sells just about everything from food to clothing to home goods.  It was on the side of the city adjacent to Chinatown as well as another harbor area called Darling Harbor.  The market's Halloween section did make me miss home and a little sad I wouldn't be dressing up this year. I almost bought a mask or another diner waitress costume but there is no space for that in my roller bag! #intheweeds

After the market I took a stroll through Chinatown.  It was pretty large with lots of restaurants and shops.

Adjacent to Chinatown was Darling Harbor.  I have to say, I really don't see what was so darling about it.  Perhaps it was because it was a Sunday, but it was mostly tourists going to and from places like the wax museum and chain like restaurants.   Though there were some nice views of the city skyline and lots of green spaces.

I did spot one establishment that gave me pause.

On one of my last days in Sydney I walked through Hyde Park where there are several monuments,  the Archibald fountain and St. Mary's Cathedral.

Anzac War Memorial

Bullet Sculpture

St. Mary's Cathedral

Archibald Fountain
Being over halfway through my trip I was in need of a haircut, so I continued south from Hyde Park to a neighborhood called Surry Hills.   It was a pretty trendy neighborhood with lots of cafes, shops and restaurants.  I visited a shop that was recommended to me by my current barber back in DC.  I was pretty happy with it and the shop certainly had some character.

After the cut I stopped for a snack and a coffee at a cafe called Bill's.

Sydney also had a pretty fun nightlife scene and being back in Australia from New Zealand I again was reminded around almost every corner about the upcoming marriage equality vote.

With that, my time in New Zealand and Australia came to a close.  The first month of the trip really flew by, but I was looking forward to South Africa next!

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