Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sydney Beaches

Sydney has several beaches that are pretty close to the city center.  The most well known of those being Bondi Beach.  I spent some time at Bondi Beach, Coogee Beach and Manley Beach.

First up, Bondi!  I took the city bus out to Bondi one morning which was a pretty quick 45 minute ride.  My first stop was lunch at The Bucket List.  Having a cocktail seemed to be the thing to do.

After a snack I spent some time down on the beach.  It was a weekday, so it wasn't too crowded, but the weather was great so there were still a good amount of people taking in the sun.  

I took a dip into the water and found it a little chilly and the waves were pretty strong.  There were lots of surfers hanging around riding in the waves.  I took a walk down to one of end of the beach to grab one more photo of Bondi.  You can see some of the surfers in this photo if you look closely.

It was time to leave Bondi and start my coastal walk to Coogee.  This is a pretty popular and scenic walk that takes just under 90 minutes and winds through a cemetery and some other great scenery mostly along the water.

Finally I arrived in Coogee!  

Some clouds were starting to roll in and at this point I was pretty worn out so after walking the length of the beach I hopped on another bus to take me back to the city.

Another day, I took the ferry to Manley Beach.  Manley is about 30 minutes from Sydney harbor via the ferry.  It was neat to see Sydney and the surrounding area from a ferry boat in the harbor.  

Manley Beach was smaller and less crowded than Bondi.  

Since I'd already had a "beach day" I headed to Manley later in the day for dinner.  Manley beach had a few cafes and restaurants along a nice pedestrian palm tree lined promenade.

I decided to have an ice cream after dinner, cause why not!?  Then I caught the ferry back to the city.  It was practically empty so that was neat to have it mostly to myself.  Then as we approached the harbor there were some nice views of the city at night.

One more post is coming up wrapping up my time in Sydney!

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