Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Great Ocean Road - Melbourne to Apollo Bay

My plan was to drive the Great Ocean Road over the course of 2 days and 2 nights, with the 3rd day to drive to the Melbourne Airport via an inland route.  Day one was the drive from the Melbourne CBD to Apollo Bay.  Below is a rough map of my full 3 day itinerary where I've noted some of my stops.

First off, I had to get acclimated to driving on the left side of the road and also the steering wheel being on the opposite side of the car.  I don't know how many times I tried to get into the car on the passenger side.  It took some focus at first, but after a while it wasn't so bad.

The drive from Melbourne to Geelong was mostly interstate.  Though there were lots of cows, sheep and wide open fields to see.  My main stop of the day was Bells Beach.  I can honestly say it took my breath away.  This particular spot wasn't one I had seen pictures of so I had no expectations.  The view of the beach and the ocean was pretty remarkable.

Steps down to the beach

In this next photo if you look closely into the ocean you can see several little black specs.  Those are surfers wearing black wetsuits.  At times some huge waves would come in and you would see a surfer or two riding one in.

This is a view with my back to the beach looking inland.  You can just barely see the road in the middle near the top.

As I write this post, I realize I didn't take any more pictures along the drive until I got to my hotel for the night.  Ooops!  I guess I was just #living in the moment.  The views from the car while driving the Great Ocean Road were pretty neat and there were lots of twists and turns along the coast.  I suppose its best I didn't snap pics while trying to drive.  I also made a stop in Lorne, a cute little beach town, for a late lunch.

I stayed the night at a resort just outside Apollo Bay.  This was the view from the room I stayed in.

The hotel grounds were pretty large and as you walked back from the ocean there was a small little pond and some sheep.  I spotted a mom and a baby sheep.  Thanks Andrew for the recommendation!

All in all not a baaah-d stay I'd say! :)

Day two is up next where I made a lot more stops!

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