Sunday, October 8, 2017

Fox Glacier - Lake Matheson Bike Ride

The other main sight to see in the town of Fox Glacier is Lake Matheson.  Its known for the reflections you can see in the lake of the nearby landscape.  To get to the lake and back would be about a 10 mile walk, so I asked the woman working the front desk about the shuttle that runs from town that is noted in the hotel's little info book.  Well, let's just say she was less than helpful.  After two phone calls to someone she told me that you just go to the gas station at the center of town, and wait.  I said, "But, how often does it run?"  She wasn't sure.  "So I just wait at the gas station for ten minutes, an hour?"  She said, "Yes its shoulder season so it may not run too often."  Uhh, okay, no.  So I start thinking of alternatives because she certainly wasn't offering me any and I spot a little sign that says bike rentals.  The lodge I was staying at rented bikes, hooray!  Two bikes in total that is.  Did she offer that?  Ha, no, but we won't dwell on that.  I asked her if I could rent a bike and she hooked me up with a pretty junky little mountain bike.  I named him Gus.  Why?  Because I'm on my own in New Zealand scoping out lakes and glaciers so why not?

As an aside, I should add, every single person I'd encountered on my travels in Australia and New Zealand to this point has been amazingly helpful and nice, but I dunno, this was such an odd interaction.  So I get set up on my bike, the tires need air which I pumped myself.  I certainly didn't mind doing it, but it was just odd.  I asked for a lock and a helmet.  No dice on either!  Ha, whatever, off we go!

I started down the road to the lake and stopped a few times to take some photos.

I should add, every few seconds the pedals would skip forward like they were falling out of gear, so much so that I was afraid to stand up on the bike - I was worried I'd slip!  Luckily there were no hills.  Friggin' Gus.  As we approached the lake, Gus and I took a break.

I gave Gus a glare before we continued on.  He paid me no mind.

Then we got to the lake and it was all worth it.  It was pretty stunning. As you can see the lake reflects the mountain range that's behind it on its surface.  Pretty neat.

If you look at the peak in the upper right corner, that is Mt. Cook, the highest mountain in New Zealand with an elevation of over 12,000 feet.

Then a group of Chinese tourists arrived so I stole a snap of the photo they were posing for.

I started to head back, and the return ride was even more beautiful because the sun was beginning to set.

I had to stop a few more times to capture the mountains at sunset.

I got back to the lodge and bid farewell to Gus.  I took one more photo of him and his friend Bock, he's the one with the box over the seat.  I actually did it because I was somewhat worried the woman at the desk would claim I didn't return it because they aren't locked up, they just kinda hang out there, and she was long gone at this point.  Yes, I know I'm being a little nutty today.

Bye Gus
All in all, I think it worked out for the best.  Taking the bike turned out to be a great way to see the lake, and really allowed me to be on my own timetable and stop for some great photos.  So I can't fault the quirky woman working the desk.  She really did me a favor.  So I thank her!  Also, she never charged me for the bike rental.  It was supposed to be $10 Kiwi dollars, however much that is.  So I really should not be complaining at all, but I needed something to rant about. :)

Up next I hop back on the Intercity bus to Lake Wanaka!

1 comment:

  1. "I named him Gus. Why? Because I'm on my own in New Zealand scoping out lakes and glaciers so why not?"

    I lol'd.


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