Overall, I have to say I was quite impressed. The lounge had just opened in the summer of 2017 and as the agent who checked me in said, "no one has had a chance to mess it up yet." When I checked in the agent also gave me an invitation card to American Flagship Dining, which is basically a lounge within this lounge with access rules all of its own. Per my research, Flagship dining is very restricted and only customers traveling in first class on a 3 class American Airlines flight have access. So if you're on a plane that just has First or Business and Coach, you're a no go. You have to be booked in the top class of three on AA. I'd assumed since I was on Cathay (and not AA) I wouldn't get in, but I either misunderstood or they screwed up, because I got a little invitation card to enter the Flagship Dining Room. We'll get to that in a minute. First, the Flagship Lounge itself:
This is the view of most of main room once you go down the entry hallway. Directly in front is the dining area. Behind that and to the left is the self serve wine and champagne bar. On the far right you'll see the buffet, then along the windows are several seating areas.
Starting with the champagne bar and working our way around I'll say the set up was pretty sharp. Lots of options, and it was fully stocked. Very modern look and I liked the way the glasses were all lined up neatly under the bar.
Behind the champagne bar was also a Bloody Mary bar. Not as striking, but a pretty good selection here as well. You can't really see it but to the right of the limes and behind the lone stick of celery is a mason jar full of bacon!
Nice lighting and lots of varied options. Either tarmac views which were pretty cool, or more privacy in the little alcoves (I'll spare you another Star Trek joke about how that reminded me of Seven of Nine's Borg regeneration alcove) along the back. Then, finally, let's go back to the food at the buffet up front. I have to say compared to other AA lounges I've seen this spread was one of the best.
You can pretty much tell what everything is, but the last two are the entrees which were salmon with bok choy and then chicken with onions and some other veggies and a rich sauce. There was also jasmine rice and bread (not pictured/bread is poison.) Behind the food, there's is, you guessed it, more booze in the form of a fully stocked beer fridge. Not pictured, next to the beer fridge was another self service bar with liquor and soda.
There are also some smaller seating areas, a quiet room, bathrooms and private showers. So that's the Flagship lounge and overall I'd say they did a nice job. A great place to kill a couple of hours on a layover or before a flight. Plenty of good stuff to eat and drink and I'd have been content to enjoy all of that but I had to make my way into the Flagship First Dining Room.
They really made a big to do about it being invite only. A couple common folk tried to walk in sans invite and they were turned away. Even if you're a Concierge Key (AA's highest status level, and well above the Platinum status I have) you cannot get in unless you have a ticket for first class on a 3 class aircraft. Given that restriction, as you'll see from the pics that follow, it was pretty quiet inside. At one moment I was the only customer in there along with the 4 employees. I asked one of the employees if the dining room was always this quiet and she said yes and added that there are some days they barely have 10 guests.
The space is basically separated into two rooms. Right when you walk in there is a bar, a lonely bartender, and some tables, then behind that is the second room with booths and then two rows of tables, the second row along the window.
When you walk in you're escorted to a table and you get a cocktail and food menu.
I had a glass of champagne and a glass of rose per the first pic of the post. Then since I'd munched at the buffet and had breakfast at the hotel I went with the quinoa, which was quite yummy. I knew I also had to save room for the food in Cathay first. So much food, so little time. (That reminds me, I need to find a spin studio in Australia, pronto!)
So overall, I'd say I very much enjoyed the Flagship Lounge and in particular thought the Flagship dining room looked great and the food and drink I had were delicious. I'd suspect as time goes on they might loosen up the access guidelines so they get more use out of it. Though I certainly enjoyed the quiet!
If you want to see even more pics or need more details about access to plan at trip of your own check out Gary Leff's review of the lounge on his blog View from the Wing. His review helped me plan my trip!
Next stop, seat 2A in Cathay First Class!
Glad to see you started off your trip right. I bet the food is only going to get better!